The present unit provides you with the language you can use in the body or at the middle of an oral presentation. You are supposed to use or  learn all these phrases or language items. All you can do is simply to check that you can use at least one phrase from any of the parts given below

Moving on
• Let’s now move on to/turn to …
• I now want to go on to …
• I’d like to move on to/turn to …
• So far we have looked at …. Now I’d like to …
Giving examples
• Now let’s take an example.
• Let me give you an example.
• To illustrate this …
• Such as …
• For instance …..
• What I’m trying to say is …..
• Let me just try and sum that up before we move on to …
Using Visual Aids
• I’d like you to look at this ….
• Let me show you …
• As you can see …
• Let’s have a look at …
• Let’s look at …
• If you look at the screen, you’ll see …
• This table/diagram/chart/slide shows …
• On the right/left you can see ….